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Eternity 1

Eternity in Our Hearts

Questions about the meaning and purpose of life used to belong in the realms of philosophy and theology. Philosophy speculates about who we are, why we are here and what our ultimate meaning is. If there is none, how do...

Take Courage

Have you ever asked yourself, “How can I be strong? How can I have courage?” Did you know God told Joshua to be strong and of good courage three times in one chapter? Let's take a look at why, and...
Murray Smith 2

Going… Going… Gone…

In a day when many Christians are re-evaluating church attendance, are there values that might anchor us in holding fast to regular gathering together?  Recently I was talking with a church leader who described a dilemma they had just faced...

Temptation Can be Good For us…

Hat web

Whose Hat Are You Wearing?

Kids - or in this case - kid’s books - say the darndest things. It’s an expression perhaps many of us are familiar with.  And yes, interestingly, it was through a children’s book I recently came across that I was...
Social media icons on phone

10 Things You Should Know About The Danger Of Media

1. Media feed us an endless stream of spectacles that captures human attention and holds fast a collective gaze. A spectacle is a moment of time, of varying length, in which collective gaze is fixed on some specific image, event,...
Picture of virus

Destroying and Annoying

Why would God create mosquitoes, viruses, and bacteria? “Ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the...
Christian TV

Why Should I Watch Christian TV?

According to research, New Zealanders watches an average of three hours of TV per day! It’s easy to get a negative view of something or someone when you find a theological difference. And that can happen walking in to a...