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Charles Price 2

Chatting With Charles Price

I first was introduced to Charles Price on a cold Monday night in October 1999, when my wife and I attended some night school classes at Capernwray Hall in Lancashire, England. We’d been stirred to read our Bibles more and...

John MacKay: The Creation Guy

I first met John Mackay almost 20 years ago at a little Methodist Church in the North of England. I’d heard he was ‘interesting’ and talked about Creation and Dinosaurs. Well, that was enough to get me there so I...

How Can I Overcome Fear?

Are you being pushed around by fear? Did you know that you don’t have to live that way? Victory over fear starts with a strong confidence in God’s Word. When you start believing it, you’ll see a breakthrough.  Fear is...
Eric Ludy - Truth

The Truth Christians Most Need?

Are you being pushed around by fear? Did you know that you don’t have to live that way? Victory over fear starts with a strong confidence in God’s Word. When you start believing it, you’ll see a breakthrough.  Fear is...
Disturbing scene with medieval castle at night with stormy sky

Man in The Gap

When I was growing up, I used to hear of these amazing evangelical outreaches where thousands of people would come to the Lord. It was like a sea of people going forward everyb night to proclaim the name of Jesus,...
Racing 3

Men’s Groups on the Road… or Track… even Online

As Christians, we are not called to ‘do’ church, we are called to ‘be’ the church. Jeremy Smith talks to three examples of men’s groups around New Zealand that have found unique and creative ways to meet in men’s group...
Eternity 1

Eternity in Our Hearts

Questions about the meaning and purpose of life used to belong in the realms of philosophy and theology. Philosophy speculates about who we are, why we are here and what our ultimate meaning is. If there is none, how do...

Eyes to See, Ears to Hear…

When I was a teenager, I worked in a rurally-orientated retail store. A large part of my day-to-day working life was spent interacting with people. Being somewhat of a ‘people person’ though, I enjoyed getting to know our customer base....

Hitting the Right Notes at Home

“I think as a teenager, you know, I was sort of rummaging around trying to find something that fit me. Music was something I gravitated toward - probably like most teenagers to be honest, but I felt like I especially...