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Murray Smith 2

Going… Going… Gone…

In a day when many Christians are re-evaluating church attendance, are there values that might anchor us in holding fast to regular gathering together?  Recently I was talking with a church leader who described a dilemma they had just faced...
Jeremy Captive 2

Are You Holding You Captive?

An old African proverb I once heard raises an interesting question - one I’ve been pondering as we make our way through the early stages of 2021. It is said a certain village was having an issue with troublesome monkeys...
Charles Price Pray

Don’t just Pray Your Way Out of Trouble

The knee-jerk reaction to trouble is usually to pray our way out of it.  And so we may. At least we may try. But troubles can be friends as well as enemies. Tears enrich us more than laughter. Tough times...

UNASHAMED of the Gospel

“Don't ever put pressure on yourself to lead somebody to Christ. Honestly, it’s actually not you who leads people to Christ. It’s Jesus - He draws people. “We are the sowers in that process and sometimes we get to be...
Hat web

Whose Hat Are You Wearing?

Kids - or in this case - kid’s books - say the darndest things. It’s an expression perhaps many of us are familiar with.  And yes, interestingly, it was through a children’s book I recently came across that I was...
Man holding a Bible

Called To Be Holy

When my eldest two boys were three and four, they were given life sized dolls of Bert and Ernie—from the television program Sesame Street—for Christmas. Pretty cool presents, I thought. But upon opening their presents, what captivated them was not...

The Atheist is Deluded! A response to Stephen Fry

A few years ago, British actor, comedian and outspoken atheist, Stephen Fry was asked in an interview what he would say if he was confronted by God. Here’s Fry’s response: “I’d say, bone cancer in children? What’s that about? How...
Christian TV

Why Should I Watch Christian TV?

According to research, New Zealanders watches an average of three hours of TV per day! It’s easy to get a negative view of something or someone when you find a theological difference. And that can happen walking in to a...

To Me To Live Is Christ!

Born in 1914 within the city of London, Ian Thomas dedicated his life to the service of the Lord as a child. At age 19, Ian became a “windmill of activity … every moment of [his] day was packed tight...