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Still Having A Ball!
Before Wynton Rufer was even 10 years old, he had a goal - to juggle a football 500 times without dropping it. When he achieved that, he simply doubled the aspiration to 1000 times. By 14, the former All White...
UNASHAMED of the Gospel
“Don't ever put pressure on yourself to lead somebody to Christ. Honestly, it’s actually not you who leads people to Christ. It’s Jesus - He draws people. “We are the sowers in that process and sometimes we get to be...
Ministering With Music: Sitting Down With Strahan
“As a Christian with a ministry as a musician, it’s never a performance and it’s not a show. It’s an invitation to lift up, honour and draw near to Jesus. “Every time I’m on stage, I’m there by God’s grace....
Act Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly
Equipping and transforming. Those are two words central in the minds of Hamilton Christian School principal Shaun Brooker and his staff as they begin each day in Christian education. A principal with a reputation for having fun, Shaun sits down...
Whose Hat Are You Wearing?
Kids - or in this case - kid’s books - say the darndest things. It’s an expression perhaps many of us are familiar with. And yes, interestingly, it was through a children’s book I recently came across that I was...
A ‘Frank’ Discussion
Rev. Frank (Francis) Ritchie, a familiar voice to many, wears several hats. The Wesleyan Methodist Church minister, radio personality and media chaplain loves a good coffee and chat. He sat down with Jeremy Smith to discuss what it looks like...