Simon Barnett on Life’s Big Changes

Simon Barnett, New Zealand’s own TV and Radio legend, has been brightening up Kiwimornings for more than three decades. His insatiable zest for life and his sense of humour are infectious so it’s exciting to know that he and his wife, Jodi, have a solid faith in Jesus. We had a chat with Simon about…

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To Me To Live Is Christ!

Born in 1914 within the city of London, Ian Thomas dedicated his life to the service of the Lord as a child. At age 19, Ian became a “windmill of activity … every moment of [his] day was packed tight with doing things: preaching, talking, counseling” with passionate desire to win souls for Christ. But…

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Crucifixion: Good Friday or Good Wednesday?

Cross on a hill

I have often been asked this question about Good Friday:“How can there be three days and three nights between Friday and Sunday?” The observances of Good Friday and Easter Sunday have perpetuated the traditional chronology that the crucifixion took place on a Friday, that the Lord’s body was buried on that day about 6 p.m.,…

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